LIFE LATELY [02.15.24]

I’m sharing a little Life Lately. It’s a little of what we are doing, what we are eating, what we are wearing and a little bit of whatever else is on my mind all in one post.

February came in with a blaze of…SNOW! We have had so much snow the last few weeks and the puppies are loving it. Every time it snows they can’t wait to go out and jump in it.

We’ve also celebrated friend’s birthdays, had lots of backyard snow-play, had Cub Scouts and been plagued with sickness. I know it’s just that time of year, but we are ready for a break from all of that.

I can already see the days starting to get longer and am just counting down to Spring!

I pulled out an oldie but a goodie this weekend and remembered how much we LOVE French Bread BBQ Chicken Pizza!

Remember all those pineapples that were on sale? Remember how I bought an insane amount and have been preserving them in what feels like 300 different ways? I finally finished it all off with some pineapple lemonade concentrate!

With the copious amounts of snow, I’ve been back in my cozies! Specifically my Monogrammed Slippers from Marleylilly. They are my GO-TO for personalized anything!

My makeup has been simple (on days that I wear it 🤣). You can see the full details on products I used for this makeup look here. My go-to foundation for simple, light and easy makeup days is the Laura Gellar Balance-n-Brighten Foundation. I love that you can apply it lightly for a more natural look OR apply it in a stippling motion for a full-coverage look.

This week last year, we were deep in the throws of potty training. I’m not an expert on potty training, it took me almost 2 years with both of my children. I think potty training could be considered a form of human torture. Truly.

I was also really starting to get the hang of bread making. We had a fun mom’s night out with The Herd and Jack was learning about mosaic painting and volcanoes!

In case you need the reminder today, your work is good and holy. The Lord refines us through the fires we walk and motherhood sure is one of them!

Here’s what’s in my cart this week!

I wanted to switch out the lotion bottle on my kitchen sink for something cuter and found these pumps that attach to mason jars. I love how it turned out and feels very farmhouse-esq!

I put little notes in Jack’s snack bag every day for school and just ran out, so I grabbed a new set. He loves them so much and I found out a few months ago that he saves them all in a pocket in his backpack.

I store most of our dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder, etc.) in mason jars and have started storing the kid’s snacks in mason jars too. These bamboo lids create a great seal, but are also easy enough for my kids to pull off.

I’ve struggled with hair loss since having Covid in October 2021. Combine that with a hysterectomy and my hormones are all over the place. I’ve heard amazing things about this biotin hair thickening spray, so I decided to give it a try!

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