One of my FAVORITE traditions is one that I started when Jack was around 2 years old... 25 days of Christmas Books!

I started this tradition when Jack was almost 2. The first year I started with 5 books and each year I’ve added a few. Now I have enough to start on December 1 and end on December 24 and both of the boys LOVE the excitement of getting to open a book each night of the holiday season.

All of the books tell the story of Jesus’ birth. I wrap them in random order and put a number tag on the outside. I keep all of the books in a basket near the Christmas tree and before bed each night the boys unwrap that day’s book and we read it together.

It’s so fun to see which Nativity book they will get that day and to see if they remember it from the year before! Once they open the book, they get to put it in their Christmas book bin and read it throughout the month. I love looking over while I cook dinner and seeing them reread books over and over again!

At the end of December, when I pack up all the Christmas decorations, I also pack the books away. Packing them away helps keep it a really special tradition instead of just books that they can read everyday.

We also have a few books in there about the Legend of St. Nicholas, that aren’t necessarily about the Nativity but teach about the heart behind giving during the Christmas season. I try to incorporate at least one of those in the 24 days.

Usually I switch out two or three of the books each year so that there are a few surprises (or if some of the books have worn out). I’m linking up a huge list of great books to choose from, you can just click on the picture of the book to find it on Amazon!

Remember, this is a tradition that is meant to bring your family together as you teach your children about Jesus’ birth and why we celebrate Christmas. If buying 24 books isn’t in your budget this Christmas, start with 3 or 5 and just do it in those few days leading up to Christmas. You can also search the book title + read aloud on YouTube - there are SO many available there for free!

I would LOVE to hear how you are making this tradition or something similar special for your family this Christmas!


