One of my favorite Christmas traditions is making Christmas Crack for neighbors, the UPS man and the Post Office. We’ve had lots of neighbors come and go over the years, but our UPS man and the ladies at our Post Office have been the same since we moved to Colorado 5 1/2 years ago.

Because of our t-shirt business, we see the UPS man and our post office ladies pretty much daily. They’ve seen Jack and Korben grow right before their eyes. They remember life events, ask about the kids and are just the kindest people. So we really like to love on them extra!

This recipe is super easy and it makes ALOT, which is another reason it is great for gift giving or family gatherings.

In a Microwave safe bowl, break apart Almond Bark Brick and melt in 30 second intervals until fully melted. Stir bark after each 30 second interval to ensure it doesn't burn.

While Almond Bark is melting, combine all ingredients in a large bowl.
You can also use foil pans or split between multiple bowls.

Pour melted Almond Bark over the cereal mix and stir until combined.

I like to add the M&M’s after the cereal mix is fully coated. Since the Almond Bark is cooled some at this point, it helps the M&M’s not melt.

After cereal mix is fully coated with the Almond Bark, spread mixture flat on parchment paper. Let it dry completely.

Once dry, break apart, divide between containers and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I am not a professionally trained chef.
I’m a mama with a busy schedule, who loves cooking shows and has two very, VERY active boys! I enjoy making food that is quick, simple and easy to clean up.

I do not love extremely long recipe posts that share my every thought as I created the dish or that repeat the same thing over and over 🤣.
I’ll leave that to the professionals 😜.
Any recipe I share has been tested by my own family and officially approved with two thumbs up 👍👍!


