Today is all about Jack because today, he turns SIX! The saying, “The days are long, but the years are short,” is beyond true. So today I’m going to share six of my favorite things about Jack!

ONE - Jack has the sweetest, kindest heart. When someone is hurting, he is the first to check and see if they are ok. He cares deeply for his family, his friends and the world around him. He always wants to be the superhero who protects everyone and saves the day.

TWO - Jack is the BEST big brother to Korben. When Korben was born, the first thing Jack wanted to know was when the baby would be able to play. Over the past 6 months, Korben has really started to interact with Jack. They love to build legos, read books, wrestle, chase each other around, play dinosaurs, cars and all the things! I think it is the sweetest thing when Jack looks at me and says, “Mama, Korben is playing with me, he’s finally big enough to play with me!!”

THREE - Jack is super inquisitive. Some days it’s in the “asks a million questions and makes mama crazy” way, but most of the time it’s just him figuring out how the world around him works. One of my favorite things to watch him do, is take something he’s never built or played with before and figure it out.

FOUR - Jack has one of the most creative imaginations I’ve ever seen from a child his age. I am always amazed at the things he builds and scenarios he creates. Give that boy a pack of stickers and a piece of paper and he will create an entire community, including all of the character’s back stories.

FIVE - Jack is an overcomer! When the pandemic shut down the world in 2020, Jack developed severe anxiety. He has always been a kid who is VERY social and likes a routine and when the world shut down that was ripped from overnight and it rocked his world. He has worked SO hard to learn ways to cope with this and no longer lets it overwhelm him. I love hearing him say things like, “It’s ok, just take 5 deep breaths,” and “Look Mama, that didn’t make me nervous this time.”

SIX - Jack loves Jesus! I love how he’s beginning to understand and experience who Jesus is. His prayers at dinner and at bedtime are from the sweetest and purest parts of him. He loves going into worship with the “big kids” (high schoolers) on Wednesday nights and I love that he gets to see worship modeled from so many different people. I know that the Lord has some BIG plans for Jack and I’m honored that I get a front row seat!


