You know how sometimes you feel like, “WOW, I’ve finally got it together. I’m feeling good, we are in a good rhythm. I feel like I can breathe again,” and then out of left field you get smacked in the face and everything goes topsy-turvy?

That’s a pretty good way to describe the last few weeks! The holiday season was busy, but normal (and fun) kind of busy. Then, 3 days before Christmas break, because of just a really crappy set of circumstances, we decided to pull our oldest out of regular school and to finish the year homeschooling. This was definitely not a decision that we came to lightly. I’ve always said I am not built to be a homeschooling parent. I heap bounds of blessings on the parents that are, because this is not for the faint of heart!

We’ve been adjust to this new schedule and flow and honestly, just today I’m starting to feel like I’m doggy paddling to the side of the pool instead of drowning in the deep end. Social media gives a pretty picture of the day to day happenings, but that’s because we want to share the pretty picture, but I hope that if you are just doggy paddling through this week that you know you are not alone. We are ALL doggy paddling through something, reach out for support, find a community of people that you can lean on and know that it’s ok if your kids eat dinosaur chicken nuggets and chips for the third night this week!

So, since life has been quite interesting lately, I thought we would do a little life lately recap today!

Korben is a Thanksgiving baby, so we had his friend birthday party in December and it was SO fun! I love the sweet little friendships he’s made and we loved to celebrate him.

We enjoyed all of the Christmas season right up until the Wednesday before Christmas, then all FOUR of us came down with the flu within 24 hours. Thank the Lord my mom was here, she never caught it and was such a gift to have her help to care for all of us. Christmas was super low key, LOTS of pajamas, lots of lounging on the couch and lots of Christmas movies.

Right after Christmas we got about 10 inches of snow and the boys have LOVED playing in it as much as possible. Our house faces the south, so the front yard melts pretty quickly. However, the backyard STILL has a good 6 inches of snow in it. We even got a few days last week in the upper 40s and they were just in heaven!

We almost have 2 weeks of homeschool under our belt and it’s going alot better than I expected it to. We are still working out what the day looks like and Korben is definitely having an adjustment period with brother home all day, but we are making it work and overall I have already seen SO much progress with Jack, which just confirms to me that we made the right decision for him, for this season.


