Yesterday I shared about our family time in Texas, which was absolutely wonderful! However, the reason we even went to Texas was for a wedding to a very, very special family friend.

During my junior year of college, I started working at a church in the student ministry. My position was to plan mission trips for middle and high school students. I was working pretty close to full time hours and most of my classes at that point were online. The church I worked for was about 40 minutes from campus, so I started looking for a new place to live that was closer to my job.

The Lord provided a precious family who had a garage apartment that fit into my budget and so in January 2006 I moved in. They had 2 little girls, Claire who was 7 at the time and Alex who was 3.

Over the years, I was the fun “aunt-like” person who was always there for school events, babysitting, birthday parties, trips to the mall and holidays. A few years in, one of the girls said, “You know, Ms. Laura is kind of like a Fairy Godmother,” and thus I will now forever be Claire and Alex’s Fairy Godmother.

Fast forward a few years, long after I had moved on from my cozy little garage apartment, Claire and Alex became junior bridesmaids in my wedding.

And then we fast forward a few more years to when Claire and Alex were promoted and became Jack’s (and eventually Korben’s) Fairy Godmothers.

Claire is now a beautiful, grown up woman who has graduated from college and this past week, we got to celebrate her getting married! And we all know, when your Fairy Godmother gets married, you get to be part of it. She was so gracious to ask my boys to be the ring bearers in her wedding. Jack took on the job like a CHAMP…..Korben on the other hand was comedic relief!

Korben is very much a mama’s boy. He’s what I call a covid baby, meaning that he was about 3 months old when the 2020 lockdown happened and because of that didn’t get the same exposure to new people and new situations in those early years, as Jack did. He tends to be VERY apprehensive around new people and crowds. I know what you’re thinking, that’s the perfect combo for a ring bearer!

The boys were lined up in the atrium with the rest of the wedding party, when it was time for me to go sit down because the boys were supposed to walk directly to me. Right after the mother of the bride was walked down the aisle, Korben escaped the processional line and ran down the aisle, taking off his suspenders and yelling, “Mama, Mama!” I guess ring bearers are the comedic relief at weddings!

Jack walked down the aisle so tall and sweet. I know I’ll blink and he will be the one at the end of the aisle waiting for his bride.

Overall, they were both so handsome and despite it being 106 degrees, were the best little ring bearers that they could be. There is absolutely no other place we would have been, than right there to celebrate my boy’s Fairy Godmother on her perfect day!


