Since today is Valentine’s Day, I thought I would take a break from regular content to share about us! I saw this Q&A on Facebook and thought it would be super fun to turn it into a blog post in honor of the day of love!

HOW DID YOU MEET? We met through in March 2012. He was working for the U.S. Army in Oklahoma and I was a teacher in Fort Worth, Texas. We talked for about a month before he drove to Dallas for our first date.

FIRST DATE? Sean drove to Dallas and we went to Dave and Busters for lunch. It was such a fun first date because we could hang out and talk and play games, very little pressure! Lunch went so well, that we went to a movie that afternoon together and then to dinner before he drove back to Oklahoma.

After our first date, we flip flopped weekends between Dallas and Oklahoma until Sean officially moved to Dallas in November. For our wedding, we calculated how many miles we had driven while dating long-distance and it was over 20,000.

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TOGETHER? Almost 10 years. We became “Facebook Official” on April 13, 2012. We got married 1 year later on our 1 year dating anniversary.

HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU TO GET SERIOUS? Not long. We both knew pretty quickly that we were in it for the long haul. We officially started dating in April 2013 and by May, I had already put down a deposit with our photographer and booked the church for our wedding!

WHEN/WHERE DID YOU GET ENGAGED? We got engaged on September 30, 2012 at the top of the Texas Star Ferris Wheel at the State Fair of Texas. Once we were at the top, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. My response was, “Holy Crap!” quickly followed by YES!

WHEN/WHERE DID YOU GET MARRIED? We got married at the church I grew up in, in Palestine, TX on April 13, 2013. We had the sweetest wedding, surrounded by amazing family and friends. It was truly everything I dreamed it to be!

WHERE DID YOU HONEYMOON? We went on a Royal Caribbean Cruise to Jamaica and Grand Cayman. It was so beautiful! However, I think I slept the first two days of our honeymoon, just trying to recover from the wedding. In Jamaica we went to a private beach and in Grand Cayman we took an excursion on a catamaran and swam with the stingrays!!

DOES LIFE LOOK LIKE YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD? This might be a loaded question! Honestly, not at all and in reality, life rarely looks like what a 20-something thought it would, and that’s ok! When we got married, I never thought we would move out of Texas, much less to Colorado, but God definitely had other plans. We moved to Colorado when Jack was 3 months old and while it took my heart a while to accept it, we have made this home. God has been so faithful to provide, not only a home, but a church family, community, schools that my boys love and some of the sweetest friends. We have been able to build a beautiful life here and although the Texas roots run deep, home is where Sean and my boys are, and always will be.


