You made it to Wednesday, my friend! Today is Whatever Wednesday. It’s a little of what we are doing, what we are eating, what we are wearing and a little bit of whatever else is on my mind all in one post.

This weekend I made a big batch of muffins for easy breakfasts. My boys LOVE these super easy crescent roll pinwheels so I made those for an easy dinner on Sunday night!

I’m still rocking my joggers with literally everything, including my Calson sweater from Nordstrom that’s on sale! I love this sweater because it can so easily be dressed up or down!

The boys played outside in the snow all weekend in their Amazon coats and on the days that it’s been too cold to go outside, they have been pulling out all the old Halloween costumes to play dress up. I’ve never had so many astronauts, superheros and dinosaur tamers all in the same house!

Last year during this week we had a pretty good size snow storm that provided lots of hours of play, the boys learned how to make their own pizza for movie night and we kicked off Congenital Heart Defect Awareness week by celebrating my big boy who had open heart surgery in June 20202.

I’m really bad about tearing myself down when I feel like I haven’t been “productive” enough, especially because I work from home. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of doing-doing-doing. Yesterday I did a big overhaul clean of my office. Between the holidays and starting to homeschool, my office had become the dumping ground for all the things. Last night, I was exhausted but I was trying to finish up a few things on my laptop before going to bed. My body was screaming at me to just go to sleep and pick it up in the morning and I fought it for so long that I gave myself a migraine.

I share all of this as a reminder to myself and to you, that it’s great to be super productive and knock off everything on the to do list. However, it’s also imperative for you to listen to your body and spirit and know when it’s time to take a break, go to sleep early or just spend the day on the couch resting.

Here’s what’s in my Amazon cart this week!
The first is a total Instagram made me buy it 🤣. I love anything that serves multiple purposes so I’m super excited for the 2-in-1 Cheek and Lip Tint to get here. I desperately need some new chair cushions for our kitchen table.

I’ve had the kind that tie to the chair forever and they just always fall apart, so I’m going to try these Gorilla Grip Chair Cushions. They have really great reviews, so we will see!

My cookie scoop bit the dust this weekend, so I’m grabbing a new one. I’ve had my original scoop for about 20 years, so it was probably time for a new one.

Last, I’ve found that with homeschooling my first grader, he is using my iPad for a lot of school work. He has a kindle but it isn’t as conducive to a lot of the learning programs. I like these cases because they are very sturdy and the price is pretty unbeatable.

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