You made it to Wednesday, my friend! Today is Whatever Wednesday. It’s a little of what we are doing, what we are eating, what we are wearing and a little bit of whatever else is on my mind all in one post.

We’ve had two good size snow dumps over the last week and another one moving in today so I’ve been making all the warm and cozy things. I made the yummiest dinner the other night and I know it was good because my picky 3 year old ate TWO servings. I made mini meatloaves and topped them with barbecue sauce and cheese. They were delicious. I’ve also been baking bread and it’s amazing how much faster my boys go through homemade versus store bought bread.

I’ve been LOVING these Zella Studio Lite High Waist Joggers. They feel like BUTTER and they stay in place. Bonus because they are 60% off right now!

I also just grabbed these monogrammed fuzzy slippers from Marleylilly. I hate walking around the house with bare feet, with 2 boys I inevitably step on crumbs or a lego. However, my feet get super hot in regular slippers. I love these because they are just warm enough, super comfortable and since they are slides my feet don’t get hot at all! They are having a great sale right now too - 30% off with code SPRING30.

Last year during this week we had one of the coldest week’s we’ve had since I’ve lived here for 6 years. It was below zero for almost a week. Once the sunshine came out, the boys played outside for as long as they could and we all appreciated the Vitamin D!

If you are from Texas then you know Whataburger. It’s one of the places I’ve missed most living in Colorado. Well, they opened one right down the street from my son’s school so we took full advantage of opening day!

I read Jennie Allen’s book Find Your People and it was such an eye opener. I’ve been very passionate about women, specifically moms with young kids, finding community for a while. It’s so VITAL to our existence.

Reading her book was just a reminder that God created us for community. Community with Him and community with others. Covid really did a number on us where community is concerned. As a society we became so fearful of being in contact with people that we shut ourselves away. I know from experience, because I had a 3 month old at the beginning of the lockdown and I remember how utterly isolating that season was. It was HARD.

It was also hard when the world started to open back up to know how exactly to navigate being in community again. At some point along the way, my husband and I made a decision that God’s design for community was more important to us than living in fear. I joined a mom’s group, we started attending church regularly again, we had playdates and we made plans with friends.

Because of those steps towards community, during a really scary time in the world, we now have friends that are truly family. We’ve walked through serious LIFE together over the past few years; through foster care, miscarriage, adoption, potty training (can I get an amen?!), pregnancy, job loss, hospitalizations, aging parents, building houses and so many other life events.

No one tells you how hard it is to make friends as an adult. Especially if you aren’t out in the regular workforce. When I was a teacher, my friends were teachers. When I decided to stay home with our first baby, my teacher friends were still friends, but it was a different dynamic and over time those relationships changed. If you sit back and wait for community to find you, you will be sitting in isolation for a very long time. It’s a two way street. You have to take the leap to be vulnerable and put yourself out there. I can promise you that the reward is far greater than any fear of acceptance that I ever felt.

Here’s what’s in my Amazon cart this week!
I love these Automatic Drink Dispensers. I have them on our gallon jugs of apple juice and water. Unfortunately my 3 year old decided to take them off and put them in the toilet…..hence, needing the replacements.

I’ve had the hardest time trying to find the right vacuum hose to connect my vacuum sealer to the mason jar attachment. I’m hoping that this one will do the trick!

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