You made it to Wednesday, my friend! Today is Whatever Wednesday. It’s a little of what we are doing, what we are eating, what we are wearing and a little bit of whatever else is on my mind all in one post.

It has just been a crazy week (and it’s only Wednesday!!). Korben (3 years old) is on Spring Break from preschool this week and I often forget how much I get done during those few hours. So this week’s dinner so far has been SUPER simple.

I made a double batch of these Turkey Sandwich Pinwheels on Sunday because my boys always devour them. In a few years I’ll have to quadruple it to keep up.

Last night I threw together a quick Sausage Potato Skillet and it was a huge hit. I’ll get the recipe on the blog soon, but basically I cooked diced potatoes, seasoned with Kinder’s Buttery Steakhouse seasoning, in my cast iron skillet till they were crispy. Then I threw sliced Turkey Sausage in till they were brown and removed from the heat. YA’LL! So freaking good 😍

I have been LOVING the Laura Geller Balance-N-Brighten Foundation. I’ll be sharing a more in-depth review tomorrow on the blog!

It’s still super cold here, so I’m incorporating Spring things in through accessories and I LOVE this new crossbody sling bag.

Last year during this week the weather was warming up and we had a sweet friend playdate! I have to mention this because I “invented” the toddler charcuterie board 🤣 and it was such a big hit that I continued making them everyday we were outside for the rest of the summer. For real though, I love this idea! I set a clear expectation at the beginning of playing that when the “board” is empty, there’s no more snacks and it keeps the boys from running inside to the pantry constantly.

I also just love this picture of Jack and Korben walking together. Jack is such a protective big brother!

I’m not sure about you, but the events of this week in Nashville have brought so much anxiety up in my heart. Be near Jesus! I feel like the collective “we” say every time one of these tragedies happens, “When is it going to stop?” but the truth is that evil will rear it’s ugly and wicked head until Jesus comes back.

Sean and I have been having so many conversations about what school looks like for us next year. We chose to homeschool this year for so many reasons and when these shootings happen it just brings up so many emotions. I truly have to just pray for the Lord to take every anxious thought captive because He is true and worthy and constant.

Here’s what’s in my Amazon cart this week!
My Amazon cart this week is the most adult ever. I have a serious germ issue with sink sponges and brushes. I never even thought about a silicone dish brush until the other day and it was like a lightbulb went off. I seriously can’t wait for it to get here!

We did a quick trip to Home Depot earlier this week to get some garden supplies. We are building a vertical garden using rain gutters on our fence and this weekend I’m going to be working on some more Winter Sowing jugs to get my seedlings started. I grabbed some plant name tags because on my other jugs the sharpie has faded.

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