You made it to Wednesday, my friend! Today is Whatever Wednesday. It’s a little of what we are doing, what we are eating, what we are wearing and a little bit of whatever else is on my mind all in one post.

I made a big batch of my Sausage Balls yesterday and they are SO good! I make them alot for party appetizers but I also just love having them in the freezer to grab for a quick lunch or snack. Pop them in the microwave for 45 seconds and they are perfect!

We had a few warm days over the weekend and my boys were outside from sun up to sun down - definitely my favorite kind of day! Last summer I started making my version of a kid’s charcuterie board for when the boys are playing outside. Which is basically everyday from April - September. The possibilities are endless with these. Sometimes it just snacks and other times I’ll do more of a lunch spread with meat, cheese, crackers and fruit. Either option keeps them playing outside, instead of running in and out of the house for snacks all day.

I busted out the sandals last weekend for a few short hours and my feet were SO happy!

I love this peplum top for Spring. It’s just so comfortable and it comes in 39 different colors/patterns. I think I have 4 or 5!

Last year during this week Jack had his first Spring Open House at school and loved showing me around to all the different rooms and his classroom. Wait, don’t you homeschool? Yes, this year we are homeschooling, but last year he went to a charter school for kindergarten.

The boys also started swimming lessons during this week last year. My friends and I were able to get all of our boys into a class together. They LOVE Jack and he loves being the “big brother” to all of the little guys. Jack picked right back up on swimming and did SO well. Korben was another story. We did swim lessons once a week from April - August and there was not one single class that he didn’t cry in. Don’t let that cute little grin fool you. He was hoping I’d pick him up out of the water because the next photo on my phone (and all the photos after that) are just crying. Here’s to hoping swim lessons go better this year!

Goodness, if I could go back, I would tell my….

16 year old self that it’s ok to not have the most expensive jeans or the smallest size on them.

23 year old self that getting fired from that job that you worked tirelessly at to fit in was not, in fact, the end of the world. That experience made you strong and helped you learn how to use your voice against unjust and power hungry “leaders”.

26 year old self that your perfect person will come in the perfect timing. Use this time of singleness to travel, experience new places, go to brunch and serve the community.

30 year old self that becoming a mom is the greatest job you will ever have, even on the hardest days. Seek wisdom away from the endless “advice” of social media, trust yourself, get help if you need it and lean into knowing that you were handpicked to be their mama.

34 year old self to acknowledge how hard it is to find “your people” as an adult, don’t try to change your likes and dislikes just to fit in everywhere. Keep going to the mom groups and bible studies and play dates. One day, it will all click and you will have the best group of girlfriends to walk through the messy and the beautiful with.

Today, as my 37 year old self, I finally feel that I’ve begun to settle into being comfortable with who I am. Knowing that having different ways of parenting, ideas about society, opinions about daily life, and even different political views, doesn’t have to make or break relationships. So much insecurity comes from the 3 second snippets we see on social media and comparing my day to day to a pinhole view of someone else’s life doesn’t serve me or my family.

I hope this encourages you to lean into who you’ve been created to be and that all of the messy and all of the beautiful can be used to serve those in your life well.

Here’s what’s in my Amazon cart this week!
My Amazon cart is full of stuff for the kids this week. I grabbed the Simple Modern Reusable Food Pouches to make our own applesauce pouches from all the applesauce I canned in the fall. They are 5 oz., very easy to fill and dishwasher safe. You can also freeze them. You could even freeze fruit juice in them and the kids could have fruit slushie pouches all summer!

I always get the boys new rainboots for their Easter baskets. They wear the heck out of them year round!

They are also growing like weeds and needed some new shoes. I grabbed these canvas low top sneakers and they have already worn them several times.

Last up, I grabbed some Kid’s Fill In The Blank Postcards. I think this is such a good skill to teach kids early on, so Jack is filling them in for his birthday presents.

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