Today my firstborn turns SEVEN!
Jack is the biggest hype-man. In his world, everything is fun and exciting and an adventure. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Today I’m sharing seven things about Jack to celebrate my boy turning 7!

ONE - Jack has the sweetest, kindest heart. When someone is hurting, he is the first to check and see if they are ok. He cares deeply for his family, his friends and the world around him. He always wants to be the superhero who protects everyone and saves the day.

TWO - Jack is the BEST big brother to Korben. This has been my favorite phase of their relationship so far. I love listening to them play together because Jack always has some kind of imaginary place that they are off to and there is so much wrestling 🤣, but I’m told that this is what brothers do! They really are becoming the best of friends 🥰.

THREE - Jack LOVES legos. What I love about his love for building most though, is he loves building the lego set the correct way the first time. Then he incorporates that lego set into this whole world he has created on top of his dresser. It’s seriously amazing to see his imagination at work.

FOUR - Jack is super inquisitive. He always wants to know the process of how things around him work. He’s very methodical. One of my favorite things to watch him do, is take something he’s never built or played with before and figure it out.

FIVE - Jack has learned how to persevere and overcome obstacles in a whole different way this year. When we pulled him out of public school at Christmas and chose to homeschool for the remainder of the school year, I had so many worries about how this would effect him. HE HAS SOARED! He has taken every challenge, tackled it, mastered it and crushed it. In December, when we assessed where he was academically about a mid-year Kindergarten level in Reading. We just reassessed him and he is now on a beginning First Grade level and is reading everything in sight!

SIX - Jack is one of the friendliest kids I have ever met. Sean (hubby) and I joke all the time about how 1 extreme introvert + 1 semi-introvert = 1 extreme extrovert. I never have to worry about who he will play with at a park or play place because he immediately finds a friendly face and makes them his best friend for the day.

SEVEN - Jack loves Jesus! I love how he’s beginning to understand and experience who Jesus is. His prayers at dinner and at bedtime are from the sweetest and purest parts of him. He’s beginning to understand what repentance and grace are and what they look like. He asks such thoughtful and insightful questions about the Lord. I know that the Lord has some BIG plans for Jack and I’m honored that I get a front row seat!


