Jack has been cooking in the kitchen with me since he could sit up. He has always loved watching me cook and by the time he was able to sit up in the Sit-Me-Up seat, he was playing with the whisk and stacking measuring cups.

For Christmas, right before Jack turned 2, my mom bought him a Kitchen Helper Stool which quickly became his favorite place to be! I love this stool because it is adjustable, so both of my boys have been able to use it.

This year Jack has really taken an interest in being more independent in the kitchen. At the beginning of summer he wanted to learn how to make his own PB&J, Turkey sandwiches and even salads! I feel like I have opened up a new level in the motherhood game when I get to say, “Go make yourself a sandwich!”

Last week he really wanted to create his own “cooking show,” so he decided he was going to show the world how to make a salad! It’s probably the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life (but I’m also his mama, so there’s that).

He’s also started slicing vegetables for dinner and stirring things on the stove, with appropriate supervision.

As I’ve chatted with different friends over the summer, so many are nervous about letting their kiddos have some freedom in the kitchen. Here’s a couple of things to remember:

  • They will probably make a mess and that’s OK. It’s also a great teaching moment for cleaning it up.

  • Knives and heat can make them nervous, but when they see you use these tools in a calm and appropriate manner, it helps to calm their nerves as well. A healthy fear is not a bad thing, but letting it paralyze them from experiencing new things can be.

  • Embrace their creativity. Do they want to add cheese to their PB&J? Go for it! They will either love it or hate it.


I’ve also created a list of Age Appropriate Kitchen Skills. These are just ideas and I would always encourage you to use your best judgement to determine if your child is ready for each set of skills.


