LIFE LATELY [08.16.23]

I’m sharing a little Life Lately. It’s a little of what we are doing, what we are eating, what we are wearing and a little bit of whatever else is on my mind all in one post.

We have had a BUSY few weeks! Jack started school last week. We homeschooled from January through June, and while it was a very good experience for all of us and helped him get caught up to where he needed to be, he really missed the atmosphere of school. We were SO grateful to be able to get him into a fantastic new school and he is loving it. His teacher is absolutely precious and I love hearing him talk about all the things he did during the day.

While big brother has been at school, little brother has been SOAKING it up! He is definitely loving having mom and dad to himself during the day. It’s also just such a sweet time with him. Our house is on the market and we have had several showings during the daytime, so he has REALLY loved getting to spend some one-on-one time with us. He doesn’t start back to preschool until after Labor Day, so I’m also soaking in these extra days!

This weekend I canned homemade fruit cups for the boys. I won’t lie, it was definitely a lot of work and probably the longest I’ve been on my feet since at one time since before my surgery almost 4 weeks ago, but knowing they have ready to go fruit cups that are made with only fruit, water and honey is so satisfying! We also got our first harvest of green beans this week and they were DELICIOUS!

I’m still living in dresses. I put pants on the other day and just was NOT a fan. I still have alot of swelling from my hysterectomy, especially as I’m more active throughout the day, so until the temps drop, you will find me in something like this. This dress is from a super cute boutique called Chic Soul. I also love a good pair of sneakers and I’ve pretty much worn these out. They are from a few seasons ago, but this is a similar pair.

This week last year we were enjoying the last days of summer right before Jack started first grade!

I remember a speaker talking about this idea at our Mom’s group last year. She said, “Remember, especially on the hardest days, that they (the kids) are part of your day, but to them you are their WHOLE day.” That has really stuck with me, especially on the really hard toddler days!

Here’s what’s in my cart this week!

I thought Jack’s backpack was still useable until I grabbed it from the top of the closet and discovered a big hole in the bottom. So I quickly grabbed this one and he loves it because it looks kind of like Spiderman!

I’ve started baking artisan bread each week and was trying to score it with a kitchen knife. It was NOT working, so I grabbed this dough scoring knife.

A friend in our mom’s group sent out a PSA that she found these snow bibs for under $10 and since my boys play outside all winter, I grabbed 2 for each!

As summer turns to fall and my tan starts to fade, I needed a lighter color of foundation. So I’m grabbing the next color in my favorite Laura Geller Balance-n-Brighten foundation.

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