I can’t believe that I’m actually writing these words….THE VIP PASS is L-I-V-E! I’ve been working behind the scenes since March to create a brand new space in our little corner of the internet. I created the VIP Pass with you and your needs at the heart.
Before I get into what the VIP Pass is, I have to say a huge thank you to the Trek Your Market team. When they approached me about the possibility of this new space on the website, my head was spinning with ideas. They took those ideas and created something even better than I could have imagined. They are absolutely amazing to work with if you are looking to create your own website, blog, or storefront!
So what exactly is the VIP Pass?
When I started dreaming about what this space could be, a few words popped into my head and stayed there, rent free….PURPOSEFUL and BENEFICIAL. I’ve planned this space to be an area with a purpose that makes your daily life easier. It’s a space that can live in your day STRESS-FREE!
What’s included in the VIP Pass? I’m so glad you asked! Each month, you will receive downloadable resources in the categories of Food, Skill and Education.
FOOD: Every month you will be able to download a new Meal Rotation guide that teaches you how to make a simple and flexible meal rotation schedule. BONUS…you will receive 7 new recipes before they hit the blog!
SKILL: Over the last year, I’ve been invested in learning skills that help our family be more self-sufficient. Skills like removing preservatives, canning, gardening, pickling and dehydrating. Each month, you will be able to download a “how-to” guide on a different topic that can be grafted into your daily life, whether you live in the middle of the suburbs, an apartment in the city or on a vast 100 acre homestead.
EDUCATION: There is a very large homeschool and teacher community in the Simply Laura Dee space. I was a teacher for 10 years and have been a free-lance curriculum creator since I decided to stay home with my babies. I LOVE teachers and I love making their lives easier. Every month, members will be able to download at least 4 new teaching resources, for elementary age students, that can be used in a homeschool, co-op or traditional classroom environment.
It was extremely important to me to make this service as affordable as humanly possible. Like you, I want to make sure that if I choose to spend money on something, it is affordable, high quality and worth your time. The subscription cost for the VIP Pass is $4.99 per month OR you can choose to utilize our yearly subscription option for $49.99 and save the cost of 2 months!
What’s include in the first VIP Pass? Here’s a preview for you!
My greatest desire is that what I share in this space of the inter-webs will be a service to you. I consider it a great honor to share and connect each day and get tears in my eyes as I think about you your time, to join me here at Simply Laura Dee. Your continued love and support means so much more than all the diamonds in the world!