You made it to Wednesday, my friend! Today I’m starting a new Wednesday series called Whatever Wednesday. It’s a little of what we are doing, what we are eating, what we are wearing and a little bit of whatever else is on my mind all in one post.

It’s been SO frigid cold here since the weekend. I really enjoy being in the kitchen on cold, snowy days so this weekend I whipped up some sandwich bread and a big batch of Taco Soup.

Basically the answer to this question is anything warm and cozy. I have a feeling that will be my answer for the next few weeks! Leggings, joggers, sherpas, snow boots, repeat 😍

Goodness gracious looking at this pictures makes me wonder where my sweet babyface toddler went?! Last year the boys got to go to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time for a birthday and we enjoyed a few snow days ⛄

I saw this message a few months ago and it has really stuck with me. Sometimes the daily trenches of motherhood can feel so monotonous and mundane...breakfast, play time, potty training, lunch, nap time, witching hour, dinner, bath, bed, repeat.

And it's so easy to get caught in that cycle and almost feel like you are stuck in a never ending groundhog day movie.

Last week, I was at our Mom's Group and the speaker said something that really resonated. She said, "To you, they are part of your world. To them, you are their entire world," and it reminded me that my mundane has such purpose in my boy's everyday life.

My Amazon cart is such a hodge podge this week!
After I had Covid in October 2021, I started losing my hair in chunks. A friend recommended Kevin Murphy products to me and they have changed my hair so much. The thick again leave-in treatment is a game changer in combination with the shampoo/conditioner!
My first grader is working on adding and subtracting up to 20, so I’m grabbing him these number bond flash cards to work on automaticity.
I’ve watched so many videos recently about cleaning your dryer, it’s seriously crazy how much lint DOESN’T come out with the lint trap. So for the lint vacuum attachment, I’ll claim that TikTok made me do it 😋.

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