Happy last day of January! We still have snow in our backyard from before Christmas, it’s crazy but I also love it….now come April, the snow needs to go, but for now I will enjoy the cozy days and dinnertime soup rotation!

Let’s get to our January Recap! This is where we look back at the “best ofs” from the month and I get to share a little preview of what’s coming up on the blog!

First up is the January Top Ten!
These are the 10 most ordered items through my affiliate links in January.

Here are the top three blog posts from January!

Last summer I dabbled in gardening. To be honest, I had very little confidence in my skills because I’ve basically killed everything I’ve ever planted. To my surprise 3/4 vegetables I planted actually grew! So this year, I’m diving in headfirst 🤣. Since our growing season is so short, I’m attempting Winter Sowing this year.

Winter Sowing is a way to get a head start on your garden using seeds that are hardy and can withstand the weather if it warms up and then snows again, which basically describes spring in Colorado. As the weather begins to warm in March/April, the jugs create their own little greenhouse for your seeds to sprout into seedlings and be ready to transplant to the garden after the last frost.

I think half of gardening is just figuring out what works for your area, your soil, your weather patterns and your ability troubleshoot when it doesn’t go correctly. Fingers crossed we will have some super cute baby greenhouses in a few months!


