
Lifestyle Laura Washburn Lifestyle Laura Washburn


Ready to reminisce about December? Our blog post is your one-stop for the scoop on December happenings - from holiday shenanigans to personal revelations, we've got it all. Join us for a casual chat about the month that just whizzed by. Cheers to embracing the chaos, laughter, and beautiful moments that made December truly ours!

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Lifestyle Laura Washburn Lifestyle Laura Washburn


Discover the highlights and top moments of November in our comprehensive recap. Dive into the best-ofs from the month and relive the standout events and content that made the month unforgettable.

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Lifestyle Laura Washburn Lifestyle Laura Washburn


Discover the highlights and top moments of October in our comprehensive recap. Dive into the best-ofs from the month and relive the standout events and content that made September unforgettable.

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Lifestyle Laura Washburn Lifestyle Laura Washburn


Discover the highlights and top moments of September in our comprehensive recap. Dive into the best-ofs from the month and relive the standout events and content that made September unforgettable.

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Lifestyle Laura Washburn Lifestyle Laura Washburn


I’ve been soaking up every last little second of summer but I have to admit that I’m feeling the Fall itch! The days are getting shorter and the evenings a little crispier. Soon enough I’ll be making soups and snuggled under blankets!

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Lifestyle Laura Washburn Lifestyle Laura Washburn


As so many are winding down their summer vacations or maybe making a last minute weekend trip, I hope you reflect on the joys and fun you had making memories this summer. Our summer has been simple, no big trips, just lots of days in the sunshine, playing in the splash pad and making memories!

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Fashion, Family Laura Washburn Fashion, Family Laura Washburn


I truly believe that summertime is God’s way of reviving our souls. There’s a looseness to summer, a freedom to break the tight grip of a schedule and ride the waves of sunshine till you have that sunkissed tired feeling and to rest with the sounds of an afternoon summer thunderstorm as raindrops splash on the windows.

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Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn


I’m officially declaring summer as my favorite (although I also have an intense love for Fall and the holidays 😂). Being outside in the backyard, pushing the kids on the swing set, hands in the dirt and soaking in ever ounce of vitamin D I can, is just so good for my soul.

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Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn


I cannot believe it’s May. I feel like this year has FLOWN! Gosh I love Spring. I told hubby the other day that Spring is quickly becoming my new favorite season. I’ve always loved fall, but there’s something so renewing about Spring that I’m just in love with this year.

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Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn


Happy last day of March! I’ve never heard this quote by Charles Dickens before but it is the perfect description of Spring in Colorado. I love the warmer days that we can get outside and soak up some sunshine!

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Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn


Happy last day of January! We still have snow in our backyard from before Christmas, it’s crazy but I also love it….now come April, the snow needs to go, but for now I will enjoy the cozy days and dinnertime soup rotation!

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Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn Fashion, Lifestyle Laura Washburn


Happy last day of November! I seriously can’t believe we are almost to the end of 2022. The phrase, “The days are long but the years are short,” rings more and more true as my boys get bigger.

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Family, Lifestyle Laura Washburn Family, Lifestyle Laura Washburn


So, here’s to wrapping up June and diving into July. Let’s get to our June Recap! This is where we look back at the “best ofs” from the month and I get to share a little preview of what’s coming up on the blog!

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