LIFE LATELY [09.18.23]

I’m sharing a little Life Lately. It’s a little of what we are doing, what we are eating, what we are wearing and a little bit of whatever else is on my mind all in one post.

I feel like we have run multiple marathons in the past few weeks. It’s that beginning of school year busy-ness + canning season! The boys are both LOVING school, which is just a huge blessing to me. You’ve walked through our school journey over the last year, public school to homeschool. I’ll share more in a blog post here soon, but we decided to try a classical education charter school this year and it has been PHENOMENAL.

Aside from school, my life has revolved around canning for the last few weeks. It’s jsut that time of year. My garden produced a good amount for my family throughout the summer, but not enough to can our vegetables for the year. So I’ve been taking advantage of our local farmer’s market bulk offers each week to can things that we will use throughout the year. So far we’ve tackled tomatoes, peaches and apples!

We’ve devoured both of these meals this week…Crispy Sweet and Sour Chicken and Low-Carb Turkey Meatballs! Both of these recipes are in my September VIP Pass along with my monthly meal rotation!

We had a cold snap over the weekend and I immediately busted out my leopard slippers and cozy joggers. These are basically my go-to at home on any day that it’s below 50 degrees!

Labor Day weekend was my 1-year canning-iversary! It has been such a fun year learning and experimenting with all of the amazing things to can. It has made such a difference in my husband’s (and whole family’s) health!

One of my dearest friends has been walking through a gut wrenching experience over the last week. I saw this on Instagram over the weekend and sent it to her. If you are going through a difficult time, remind yourself that God knows how difficult this experience is and that He encourages you to rest.

Here’s what’s in my cart this week!

My cart is quite the hodge podge this week! I broke my dough hook (user error, not the dough hook’s fault), so I ordered a replacement!

Jack has really shown interest in being in the kitchen with me again, especially wanting to help cut fruits and vegetables. I saw these Kid’s Knives on a TikTok and wanted to try them out, because frankly he makes me nervous with the kitchen knife 🤣.

My Mom’s Group is starting a new book in a few weeks called Raising Amazing so I grabbed my copy.

I share about the Dinosaur Busy Book a few weeks ago, but saw that they had another 50% off coupon (it shows up when you go to checkout) and ordered another one for my niece. This book has kept Korben super engaged and has been really great for working on his fine motor and bilateral handwriting skills.

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