It’s my absolute favorite time of the year! Basically November 1 - December 31 is my happy place. I love everything about the holidays, I definitely get that from my mom. It’s true what they say, there’s only a few gifts that I really remember getting for Christmas growing up, what I remember most is how my mom decorated the house, Christmas Eve service with the family and the magic of Christmas morning.

I hope my kids are able to same the thing 20 years from now. I KNOW they will be able to say that from November 1 till Christmas morning, that anything they asked for was met with a, “Put it on your Christmas List.” Anyone else?

Let’s get to our NOVEMBER Recap! This is where we look back at the “best ofs” from the month!

First up is the NOVEMBER Top Ten!
These are the 10 most ordered items through my affiliate links in November. All items are shoppable through the links below.

Here are the top three blog posts from NOVEMBER!

Winter months are a good time to catch up on “freezer things". At least that’s what I call it. In the summer months, I’m busy in my garden and outside with the kids. Then, August through October is busy canning up the fruits of our harvest. I’ve learned that things start to slow a bit in November, which is a good time to revisit things like chicken broth, apple peels and egg shells.

I keep large ziplocs in the freezer to collect apple cores and peels. egg shells and bone and vegetable scraps. Once the bag is full I use make Apple Cider Vinegar out of the apple scraps, bone broth from the bone and vegetable scraps and will bake the egg shells and grind them down to powder, then add it to our worm compost for it to get worked into the soil.

We also moved our worm compost buckets from the backyard, into the garage. Depending on how cold it gets in your zone, red wigglers will usually move to the center of the compost and hibernate. However, the winter is also a great time to continue working on your soil for the Spring.

If you’re able, move your compost bins into the garage or basement. You can also add some foam insulation or on really cold nights, drape a couple of blankets over the buckets. We’ve had multiple nights below freezing since we moved them to our garage, but they are still eating and moving around and doing their worm thing!

The winter months are also a good time to take advantage of sales on things like milk, butter, bacon, flour, etc., and can them for the future.

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